Paintings 페인팅/Soul Journey

Sacred Vessel 신성한 그릇

Anan아난 2022. 9. 9. 17:51



Sacred Vessel, Acrylics on canvas, whole picture, 30x30 inch

Copyrightⓒ. ANAN. ALL Rights Reserved



Sacred Vessel

This vessel represents our body and mind where there is a holy spirit abiding. Even in the time of rough trials and turmoil, this deeper part remains untouched and glows endlessly. The spirit is surrounded by golden flame radiating love and light.

Around this vessel (at the four direction: East, West, South, North), there are guardians of direction who protect the soul at each side.

In ancient 'Five Elements' theory,

East is ruled by Green Dragon,

West is ruled by White Tiger,

South is ruled by Red Phoenix,

North is ruled by Black Turtle.

Human body is the sacred vessel through

which a soul expresses and experiences self.

신성한 그릇

캔버스에 아크릴

흔히 인간은 '그릇'에 비유된다. 그릇이 크다, 작다, 좋다, 나쁘다 등으로.

인간을 영혼을 담는 그릇으로 생각하며 표현한 작품이다.

영혼이 그릇(육체 혹인 인격) 안에 거하게 되어, 한 사람이 영혼을 담는

거룩한 그릇이 되고, 그 주변으로 사방을 지키는 신의 모습을 그려넣었다.

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